Supported Accommodation

We provide supported accommodation and domiciliary services in the UK.  We are here for adults seeking help and encouragement to get back on their feet and flourish in their local community.

West Lodge, Sunderland

Our Sunderland branch offers residency for people who need support to manage with day-to-day living. West Lodge has 20 rooms over 3 floors, each room including a shower/ sink. Residence have access to a shared kitchen and toilet facilities with a dedicated a support team on site 24/7.

We can help with medication management, shopping, arranging or attending appointments, practical skills, and support in education/ training.

Referrals are taken via Sunderland Adult Mental Health Team.

Brierley Hill, Birmingham

Coming Soon
Developments are ongoing to provide supported accommodation in Brierley Hill.

The supported living setting will provide 20 self-contained apartments for people who require support to maintain a tenancy.

The site was the former glass centre and work is currently on going..

We will be recruiting for a registered manager in December 2023.